July 30, 2010

A Gateway to Self Knowledge

#945   Lift Your Spirits

Here are some ideas to help you feel better:

(1) Fill your mind with happiness-producing thoughts. Create an encouraging inner voice.

(2) Remember the positive moments of your life. Re-experience the positive feelings you had when you lived through those moments.

(3) Get in touch with your moments of strength. When you felt strong, how did you create those feelings?

(4) Increase your sense of meaning in life by doing meaningful things.

(5) Create enjoyable mental imagery. Visualize yourself being joyous.

(6) View your depressed feelings as a challenge that can eventually help you to elevate yourself.

(7) Find some positive way of looking at each event and situation in your life.

(8) Keep a diary of the good things that happen to you.

(9) Keep a self-mastery journal to give you a greater sense of empowerment.

(10) Engage in physical exercises such as brisk walking or running.

(11) List ten reasons why you can feel better even though you are experiencing difficulties.

(12) Each day, do acts of kindness for others.
(For a series of probing questions on this topic, see Rabbi Pliskin's "Gateway to Self Knowledge," p.193-7)

July 29, 2010

Attitude and Attention

“And He called the people to [Him] again and said to them, Listen to Me, all of you, and understand [what I say]. There is not [even] one thing outside a man which by going into him can pollute and defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him and make him unhallowed and unclean. If any man has ears to hear, let him be listening [and let him perceive and comprehend by hearing].” Mark 7:14-16 AMP

Two things that come out of us that can pollute us are ATTITUDE and ATTENTION

Do we just give to much stinking ATTENTION to offenses, defenses, bad behaviors, upsets, hurts, feelings, thoughts??? I believe there is a time and a place to look at these things and deal with them approprietly. I  think by the time we are hyper-aware of them we are out of balance and start hobbling down the road with a flat and too much wieght on one wheel getting our rim all bent up.

The bible says ...great peace to those who love thy law and nothing shall offend thee....well what about when I dont have great peace because for the UM-TEENTH time I am offended by Mr. Dear Hubby who leaves all his mess for me to clean up. Tracks mud or whatever across that freshly mopped floor???

Could that problem lead straight from my ATTITUDE!!! They say to cultivate an attitude of gratitude ....
well how about teaching those men from the beginning to respect your work in the house as a wife and mom and women by checking those shoes before they come in....

Is it possible that the reason we dont have a positive attitude and we are hyper-aware in our attention to offense is that when we begin relationships ( or continue in relationships)  in any setting...be it romantic, friendship, business...we always try to put our so-called best self forward (that is wordage for not being real) we are overly obliging and overly understanding when the truth is if we would let others know truthfully and honestly from the beginning when things hurt us, bother us, annoy us....(we may learn faster from our own honesty as well , as to when we are out of balance --ie. when we are starting to get a flat --like really really just having a bad attitude) they would know the real us....not the painted face. 

Husbands would know from the beginning what will drive their wife crazy and they can avoid it....instead of this nice "ohhhhhhhhh thats ok hunny dont worry about it I will get it ..*wink and smile*" then 5 years later she is a raging mess of hot anger ready to FREAK OUT in her ATTITUDE AND ATTENTION...

So..the best remedy for not being POLLUTED from the inside out...is HONESTY!! is TRUTH

Stop lying to yourself and everyone else and you will probably stop being offended all the time

(disclaimer: people dont always like the truth so when you start being real ...it wont be peaches and cream....so try not to be offended by their anger that you are suddenly truthful, be real and keep your eyes of Jesus :0)

F & L'er

July 26, 2010

Don't Worry Be Happy = )

Happiness is the peace of mind that comes from feeling that I am living a worthy life in the company of people I love and in the service of something bigger than myself.

Have a great day!
Tina Smith
Someone once said, "Success is when those who know you the best are those who love you the most."

Monday Motto - Be Realistic and Honest

Monday Motto : Be Realistic and Honest

Proverbs 25:14 Who ever falsely boasts of gifts [he does not give] is like clouds and wind without rain.

This past week I wrote a post called HELD ACCOUNTABLE. In that post I mentioned taking a spiritual gifts test where I scored a total of 1 out of 15 in the category of Mercy. ( I was not happy about that!! ) :0(

In this verse is states that who ever falsely boasts of gifts ....I would have told you that I am a fairly merciful person...because I love people ...and I can empathize with others....and I want to help people....(I don’t like to look bad ) But the reality is when it comes to --dictionary.com definition: being compassionate or having kindly forbearance toward an offender or an enemy --- I personally would like to show them the letter of the law. I dont have natural mercy for offenders....but if I find others are unkind to someone and my feelings become affected I want to defend them --i dont know if that mercy or not...???

When you believe something or speak something that is not true then -- we become -- a cloud and wind without rain. Believing and speaking things that are not real are good for nothing, just a passing cloud that is here today and gone tomorrow ---they hold no weight!!! ...no substance...

It is only when we can be honest with ourselves and others that we are able to do something about what IS...

God desires that we call those things that be not, as though they were. (Romans 4:17)

I can not have faith to be more merciful if I am not willing to be honest about how non-merciful I am. Only then ....when I am realistic...seeing truthfully....can I have FAITH to call forth the MERCY of God up out of the SPIRIT that lives within me. As long as I falsely believe I am ok....I am only relying of my own WORKS of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those false beliefs make me in need of MERCY...

Lord thank you that you know how to show us TRUTH about our humanness and need for you. That we can see YOU, that we can rely on you to be what we are weak in through your strength and not our own. Thank you that I can see that while I am not so merciful, I am however in need of much mercy and that you Lord are the ultimate source of MERCY for us all.

F & L'er

July 22, 2010

Held Accountable

 The other night I had a dream and in my dream my BFF says to me :
Great understanding is hard to percieve when your flipping channels like morning T.V.

ohhhhhhhhh PROFOUND!!

So I tell Tina what she says to me in my dream and she's like "Hey that's pretty good!"   --right???  she is the one who told me...lol haha

So that same day that I told her about this dream I took this spiritual gifts test that our Pastor handed out to us at church. I had been putting this test off for like a week or so..... (I know, I know...your thinking WHY!!??)

 Well I was a little worried how low I would score in some areas......I took the test and I scored a total of 1 point in MERCY!  I was so mad, upset, bothered and driving myself nuts over it that I talked about it for 3 days after that. My BFF gets me on the MSN chat and asks me some questions....she notices everything...BFF's are good at that! :0) LOL

Well while she is asking me questions trying to get me to get to the bottom of why this MERCY thing is driving me crazy....I change the subject a little ...AND GUESS WHAT SHE SAYS TO ME??????!!!

Well your off that subject on to something else, reminds me of that dream thing about flippin channels....

BUSTED!!!!!   HELD ACCOUNTABLE  ....that is Friendships of Love in ACTION form.

Know ---I know she wants to know about me

Share ---I shared my dream with her

Serve ---she serves me the TRUTH and helps me to grow.

How often do we just get offended when we have a person in our life that will hold us accountable??

She called me out!!  Truth is I am not all that great on Mercy....if you screw up-- you get to eat what you baked in my book.....but I did scored high on Exhortation ...so I will lift you up and tell you that you can make it through when you screw up but I am not gonna let you slide and act like you didn't do it. --although at times I secretly hope others will do that for me  :0)

The best I can do since I scored 1 point ...is KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!! but I'm sure you'll still get my vibe.

F & L'er


'May today there be peace with in. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.'
Happy Thursday! = )
Tina Smith

July 21, 2010

Can We Trust Our Conscience?

Can We Trust Our Conscience? 
2 Corinthians 1:12
The conscience looks at thoughts and actions to determine if they are in line with one's principles and standards. It is important to keep our internal alarm system well maintained so it will be trustworthy.
For our moral compass to sound at the right time and for the right reason, we must:
• Accept Scripture as our standard for behavior. Second Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness." If we choose to adopt our culture's values, which are often at odds with the Lord's, our conscience will be unreliable. Instead, we want our radar to alert us to the possibility of going off course.
• Align our thinking with the Lord's. Romans 12:2 says to renew our minds. It is necessary and ongoing work to combat what this unbelieving world accepts as  true and right. Our alarm system should help us identify ungodly ideas.
• Apply God's Word to daily living. When our habits reflect godly values, our conscience will become more sensitive to what is right and wrong.
In addition, it is essential that we rely on the Holy Spirit for understanding. Our conscience by itself is of some value, but it becomes indispensable when accompanied by the Spirit's guidance (John 16:13).
The Scriptures teach us how to live—in our thought life, conduct, and emotions (Gal. 5:16-23). As we make our standards align more closely with the Lord's, our conscience will become increasingly trustworthy because it is based on what is important to our heavenly Father

July 19, 2010

Motto Monday - Stay Connected

Monday Motto : Stay Connected

Proverbs 18:1 He who willfully separates himself and estranges himself (from God and man) seeks his own desire and pretext to break out against all wise and sound judgment.

I read this verse and it just caught my eye.

Considering the fact that I am the type of person who is melancholy and a bit on the introverted side, I am one who willfully separates when I am hurt, angry, or upset in anyway. I have a habit of auto-isolation. I don’t want to be that way, But I am. I struggle with it. Pray for me!

It takes me great effort to reach out. I naturally want others to believe that I am GOOD! Well guess what I am learning....they can see that I AM NOT FINE!!! They can feel my vibe when I walk into church that I AM NOT GOOD! But nonetheless I keep up this idea for myself and my own so called sanity ... that I am good!!!

so lets bite into this and see what it is made of....

willfully separates --that means purposely disconnect myself from other people

and estranges -- that means to turn away from, keep at a distance and treat others like strangers

seeks his own desire -- wanting what I want when I want it ( example --I'm mad and I will only become happy when so and so does what makes me happy)

and pretext --that means to conceal the true purpose, to put up a misleading appearance ( example --Im fine!! *smile* when inside I am angry, hurt and need prayer but I am being willful and seeking my own way)

and all that is just NOT WISE

On the surface this may not seem like that big of a deal --besides we don’t want the whole world to know our business right??

The problem is that doing this is actually a prideful  my way or the highway kind of attitude.

I am sooooooo busted!!!! The WORD tends to do that !! huh??

A few years ago ...heck a couple of months ago I would not have written such a lay me open kind of blog post...but I believe that Friendships of Love is about KNOW, SHARE, SERVE. It is getting to KNOW others, to SHARE who I truly am, and finding a way to SERVE each other through that knowledge.

This past week I was able to SEE myself in the moment and say I am ALRIGHT with a shrug of NO IM NOT to my Pastor. ( I know! - not the best but I mustered a little reality there ..come on gimme some credit ..lol)  He had a great sentence to share at that moment that caused changes for me that week that I needed...if I would have pasted my smile on and went the --I'M GOOD *smile* way --I would still be in this same spot not dealing with any of it and continuing my willful way. Now I am a few more inches further than I was last week and seeking answers and being honest about where I am.

How many times have I not done that and missed out on having people lift me up in prayer...LORD knows I need it!! Stay Connected because we need truth and we need people.

Hmmmmmm seems that I sort of did a continuation of last weeks post Be Present ...

Thanks for listening

F & L'er


July 16, 2010

Are you satisfied???

Do have friends? Do they know you warts and all?? Not just that you have issues and they are all like really nice about it but that they know what those issues are, they love you anyway, they help you dig into the wart and find out what it is made of. Or do you even go there?

What is friendship to you? Is it just a nice cup of coffee together, is it a negative complaint dump site, is it a safe landing strip, is it an oasis from the harsh cruel world, is it a tormented show down of wits?? Or do you even think about that?

What do you really need in a friend? Do you have it or are you settling for a one sided listen to all their blah blah blahs? Is your friend truly interested in you? how do you know? can you tell? have you really thought about that? and are you that way to someone else? do you really care or are they just something to check of your list of weekly stuff to do?

It is real? Are you satisfied? or are you just dying to be known and to know TRULY?? Waiting .....hurting...in need of a companion. Are you one?

Prov 28:24a - A man that has friends must show himself friendly..

I am curious!

F and L'er


July 15, 2010

Steps To Friendship

This week its all about friendship in my daily devotionals. Had to share. God Bless! = )  

Tina Smith

July 15  - Every Day Light by Selwyn Hughes

Steps to friendship

For reading & meditation - Proverbs 18:1-24

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (v.24)

Everyone needs a small circle of friends - even those who are married. I feel deeply sorry for anyone who does not have a friend. If friendship is so important, how do we go about making friends? The first step is - be friendly. The King James Version of our text for today says: "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly." You should not, however, become friendly just in order to gain a friend. This is a wrong motive because you are more interested in gaining a friend than being a friend. Self-centeredness will get you nowhere. Friendliness is the art of going out of yourself and appreciating others more than you appreciate yourself. It is really an attitude. Dale Carnegie in his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, a secular approach to the subject but full of good sense nevertheless, said, "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." The main reason why people have no friends is because they demonstrate an unfriendly attitude. To have a friend - be one. The second step is - allow time for friendships to develop. Force no doors open in friendship but, like Christ in the book of Revelation, stand reverently at the door - and knock. Only if the door is opened from within should you go through. Some relationships you have with people may never develop into close friendships. Don't be upset about that. If you are open and friendly, then God will guide you and show you where deep friendships are to be developed.

Father, help me be a friend who does the knocking before I enter instead of knocking down after I have left. And show me not only how to sympathize with my friends' weaknesses, but summon up their strength. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

July 14, 2010

A friend with skin on

A friend with skin onFor reading & meditation - Proverbs 27:17-27
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (v.17)
Sometimes I hear Christians say, "Why do I need friends? God is my friend - isn't that enough?" Such a statement demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of human relationships. Yes, we need God as our Friend - our close and most intimate Friend - but, as I once heard a little boy put it, "We need friends with skin on also." You won't know who you are until you are in a relationship. Paul Tillich, a well-known theologian, made the same point: "You don't really know yourself until you are put over against someone other than yourself." You see, if no one ever reflects to you how you come across, never challenges your views, never confronts you, never encourages you to talk out your problems, then parts of you remain undiscovered. Others can do that, of course, who are not friends, but it is best done by someone who knows you best. My favorite definition of a friend is: "someone who knows all there is to know about you and loves you just the same." Looking back on my life, I can see how valuable my friends have been to me. Because I have felt safe with them, I have been able to reveal myself and in the revealing I have come to know myself in a way that I could never have done with a mere acquaintance. Yes, we need God as our friend, but we need human friends also. This might be difficult for some to accept, but the more effectively we relate on a horizontal level with our human friends, the more effectively we will relate on a vertical level with our heavenly Friend.
Father, I see that my best friend is someone who brings out the best in me. Help me to be a best friend to someone - and bring out the best in that person. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
Have a great day!
Someone once said, "Success is when those who know you the best are those who love you the most."

July 13, 2010

21 Wise Sayings

A Mature 21

21 Wise Sayings

1. The best way to get even is to forget...

2. Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death.

3. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts...

4. Some folks wear their halos much too tight...

5. Some marriages are made in heaven, but they ALL have to be
maintained on earth...

6. Unless you can create the WHOLE universe in 5 days, then
perhaps giving "advice" to God, isn't such a good idea.

7. Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up...

8. Standing in the middle of the road is dangerous.
You will get knocked down by the traffic from both ways.

9. Words are windows to the heart.

10. A skeptic is a person who when he sees the handwriting on
the wall, claims it's a forgery.

11. It isn't difficult to make a mountain out of a molehill,
just add a little dirt.

12. A successful marriage isn't finding the right person-it's
being the right person.

13. The mighty oak tree was once a little nut that held its

14. Too many people offer God prayers with claw marks all over

15. The tongue must be heavy indeed, because so few people can't
hold it.

16. To forgive is to set the prisoner free, and then discover
the prisoner was you.

17. You have to wonder about humans, they think God is dead and
Elvis is alive.

18. It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again.
Just be sure to flush when you are done.

19. You'll notice that a turtle only makes progress when it
sticks out its neck...

20. If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, you
can bet the water bill is higher.

21. And last but not least -- God gave the angels Wings, and He
gave humans CHOCOLATE!!!!!

Keep smiling, and ...if you see someone's missing one....
give them one of yours!!

July 12, 2010

Monday Motto - Be Present

1 Thessalonians 5:6

So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.

Hello Starla here :0) Monday Motto for me today is BE PRESENT!!!

I am the type of person who is a bit dreamy, emotional, imaginative, self-aware and very bothered by upsetting emotional situations. In this past week or so I have endured some of those upsetting emotional situations. My problem is that I tend to CHECK OUT when these things happen. So much to the point that days go by and I have fully ordered my world, gone into full introvert mode, buckled down any emotional stray in my mind and imagine myself right into I AM FINE AND LIFE IS GOOD!!!  can anyone say : DENIAL!!!!

Does anyone else do this???

In this verse it says to BE ALERT ----to me that is STAY PRESENT ..stay with whats going on...deal with it until it is over...until it is no longer affecting me. Whether that means speak the truth, forgive offenders or confront the wrongness face to face. What ever IT is --BE PRESENT!!

but it also says : and.............SELF-CONTROLLED.

What I did is NOT self control!!! It is subconscious auto pilot take over...I ..ME...Mrs. suppose to be ALERT to what is going on because I read my bible and go to church ....is not in control of herself...FEAR is what is in control. I lose myself. I stop talking to people. I go into hiding. I don't want to feel all those negative emotions swirling around me. I don't want to have to be the big girl and say HEY!! that is not nice to act that way MR/MRS so and so....

So what I do instead is TURN ON MYSELF. I shut down and internalize it all. RESULT: ANXIETY!!

I am getting better and dealing with upsetting emo-roller coaster stuff. I hope to get to the point where I can SEE what I am doing as I begin to TURN OFF and instead TURN ON and work TRUTH. Truth makes a way for itself....and sometimes the one who speaks it isn't the most liked person. One thing I have learned (even though I am here again) is that if I stick with it - it is over way faster than if I ignore it.

So today's MOTTO : BE PRESENT --we may not always like the situations we are in but we can always learn from them if we are ALERT!! :0)

Thanks for listening ...

F & L'er

Subterfuge or 100% ME...?

I got this in my email and it really got me thinking....how many times lately have I been haunted emotionally and decided to act as though it did not affect me at all...?
The king of Egypt died, and the Israelites sighed in their enslavement, and they wailed (Exodus 2:23).

One commentary explains that the enslaved Israelites had feared to sigh or cry, because their ruthless taskmasters would punish them for "complaining." When the king of Egypt died, the entire country was in mourning, and the Israelites exploited this opportunity to cry, since at that point, crying was socially acceptable as a sign of mourning the death of the king.

There is a Yiddish idiom: "to look for a badekens." A badekens is that part of the marriage ceremony where the parents cover the bride's face with a veil and give her their blessing. A highly emotional moment, it generally brings all present to cry. Therefore, if people are reluctant to cry for fear of revealing their emotional pain, they will "look for a badekens"; i.e. find an opportunity where crying is the norm, so that their crying will not indicate any personal pain.

Why should we need any subterfuge? What is wrong with showing our emotions? Why is crying equated with character weakness? Why should brave people not cry when they feel hurt? Where is the benefit in being an unemotional stone? We may read an account of a person who "cried unashamedly." Why should there be any shame in crying?

Our ancestors in Egypt suppressed their emotions because they feared their oppressors' retaliation. Whom do we fear when we suppress our emotions? Perhaps only our friends and peers, who are also suppressing their emotions because they fear what we will think of them. How foolish!
something designed to deceive: a plan, action, or device designed to hide a real objective, or the process of hiding a real objective

Today I shall ...
... feel free to express my emotions and not restrain myself for invalid reasons.
Very interesting thoughts that really got me thinking so I just had to share.  = )

Have a great day!
Tina Smith
Someone once said, "Success is when those who know you the best are those who love you the most."

July 9, 2010

Four Things You Can't Recover

The stone ... after the throw.
The word ... after it's said.
The occasion ... after it's missed.
The time ... after it's gone.
Have a great weekend!
Tina Smith

July 8, 2010

Thinking OUT LOUD

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson
For me in order to set my thoughts straight I tend to speak them out loud. Over the years I had learned to keep my thinking to myself (being the more introverted type as it is) I often had anxiety over what others may think if I said what I thought out loud.
Something wonderful happens when you have a friend. When trust builds between you. When the walls come down. When the fear subsides. When you begin to feel safe in the mind and heart of another. When you can THINK OUT LOUD in front of someone else.
I think at those times is when we may be a little more vulnerable than at any other times...when we haven't fully formulated what we really think about something. It is a time when you may find you have a faulty thought pattern. You may look silly or unlearned. You may be raw and unkind in your judgements.
BUT to your FRIEND - you are just THINKING :0)
Be thankful today for someone who you call friend. Send out a prayer of thanks and give them a call today and just say thank you for being MY FRIEND!!
F & L'er 
 - Starla

July 5, 2010

Read Between The Lines

Ever feel like you may be missing something?  The same thing happening over and over again?  I have been dealing with just that over and over again and keep wondering why does it have to be like this?  Coming back to the same conclusion time and time again.  Ding Dong!  Mountain experience, again!  You know just like the Israelites round and round the mountain they went...   I have to make myself stop and focus on purpose.  One thought at a time and allow it to process.  Ask myself questions and refuse to react but make sure I act.  One thing I have told myself over and over again when dealing with people is that you teach people how to treat you.  I am a firm believer in that.  I am responsible for me and I can not control nobody but myself.
Being mistreated is hard to take especially when it come in pairs or seems to be everywhere you turn that day or week.  Even more painful when it is coming from those people you love and want to be close with.  Like the old saying goes when it rains it pours.  I had just that over the holiday weekend to an unbelievable degree that just had me feeling like I was in a funk and totally drained.  Pulling myself back up again and doing my self check in order to do what needs to be done physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and respectfully.  Do what is right despite what I feel...it is a challenging choice that has to be made.
A refreshing mental oasis with (The Truth) Christ!  What I mean is not as religious as it sounds.  I find that when I read God's Word it brings me back where I belong by balancing out my thinking.  Clears away the junk.  NO longer entangled by the disorder and confusion but relieved by the clarity of mind and truth that sets us free. Two words have stuck in my mind for some time now, so I thought I would just look it up and see what I find.  Then decided I  wanted to share it because it was so informing to me and hope it is to you too. 
1.  fertile land in desert: fertile ground in a desert where the level of underground water rises to or near ground level, and where plants grow and travelers can replenish water supplies 
2.  place or time of relief: a place or period that gives relief from a troubling or chaotic situation 
Fruit for thought: When we are level or balanced we are able to grow and be replenish. 
1. Lifeless place
2. A deprived place.
a place or situation that is devoid of some desirable thing or overwhelmed by an undesirable thing
Fruit for thought: When we ignore and choose not deal with issues/feelings we become out of balance, overwhelmed and end up with undesirable results.
Either one we choose, they are both contagious.  Reminds me of another saying I used to hear often, "What comes around goes around."   Or like God would say, "You reap what you sow."  Everything we do or say is spreading something to others.  We instill and spread what we think, say, feel and act towards all  those around us.   Introduce people to life not death by using the right kind of Wisdom...
Next I want to share my favorite scriptures that help me so much when I feel tormented by peoples words and my thoughts that entertain those words spoken.   A reality check that sets me free instead of being dominated by emotion.
James 3:10-20 (New International Version)
10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
Two Kinds of Wisdom
 13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
 17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

I find it interesting how God asks us a question in verse 13.  Who?  And adds be aware of what is around you.   Then He is telling us to THINK and to pay attention to peoples deeds.  The next thing he gives us is keys to discernment along with a goal to be peacemakers and sow in peace in order to raise a harvest of righteousness.  All that we do is like the tide in the ocean, we see where it begins but do not know where it ends.  It blows me away when I think about how long the Bible has been here and who knows but God how many people it has affected.  Amazing thought that will last on into eternity.
Here are 5 P's that help me.  I actually have them posted in my kitchen to remind myself of the truth whenever I need it right now. = )
1. Permission- Jesus has sent us.
2. Power- The name of Jesus is our covering.  Expect opposition.
3. Provision- He is our provider.  Keep a positive attitude.
4. Protection- "Pray it home". Fight the battle with prayer.  God will supply.
5. Perspective- Stay close to others.  "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up"  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

Tina Smith


Monday motto is here again...To me Motto Monday is about putting a name to what God is talking to you about so that it is easily remembered for the week and a good way to get that bible reading in or getting connected to God.

Still trying to decide how exactly we are going to do this ...whether we post Monday Motto here or on the
F of L Facebook Page. This week I think I will post it on the FB Page. Tell us what you think. :0)

Click here: Monday Motto - Starla's Motto
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Thanks for joining us...

Starla Smith

July 1, 2010

Built on Love

FRIENDSHIPS that are built on and in LOVE.
While that is what we want with other people. What about a friendship of love with yourself. . . with God....
Here at Friendships of Love we promote 3 main things : KNOW, SHARE, SERVE
KNOW - in Hebrew it is Yada meaning to know in a relational sense. This word speaks of a deep sense of knowing. Intimate relationships require us to want to know others beyond a surface level, into a deeper, more intimate level. This is listening to others. Being interesting in them. Displaying a want to know who they are and what their life is about. This Yada is how God knows us - being able to look beyond the surface of our bodies into the innermost thoughts, attitudes and intents of the heart. If we want to know then being a good listener is a key to intimacy here. Asking questions and letting others know you are interested in them. That you want to know them by name - deeper than just an acquaintance, deeper than just the surface.

Psalms 139

We want to encourage you to KNOW GOD that way....dig into His Word and begin to ask questions.

We want to encourage you to KNOW YOURSELF this way...ask yourself the questions that you would ask another. Do you know what you like and dislike? Do you know how you think and what you think? Do you understand yourself?

We want to encourage you to KNOW OTHERS this way...by being a good listener and being genuinely interested in what another has to say.

SHARE - in the Hebrew it is Sod. This word means intimate as in self-discloser or making yourself known. It means to reveal or to disclose. This is being transparent. It is also vulnerable disclosure and creating the environment that allows people to take each other into confidences and share themselves openly. This is the kind of connection where you can share your weaknesses and the ways you protect and deal with yourself. It is revealing your innermost workings. This is being open with another about all our warts and scars and messed up thinking. The benefit is that we begin to see that the way we see is not always the greatest view and we begin to learn anew.

If you want to Yada (to know deeply) that would require another to do Sod (share themselves openly)

2 Cor 11:30, 12:9, and Heb 5:2

We encourage you to share yourself with God and others. Find someone with whom you can be YOU.
and lastly...

SERVE - in the Hebrew this is Sakan. It means to be of use or service, benefit or caring involvement.  This is providing of service to one another and the meeting of others needs and desires. This is being willing to enter into commitment with another person. This is being a friend.

Isa 58:10, Acts 20:34

If you want to do Yada (to know deeply) that requires another to so Sod (Share themselves opnly) and the point to doing this with each other is to be Sakan ( to be of use or service, to benefit, caring involvement) with one another through sharing, caring, praying for each other and walking together as companions.
We encourage you to BE A FRIEND.

"A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there
is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24.

Tina & Starla Smith ( Sisters-in-Law and BFF's)