October 6, 2010

The rough and smooth places

Everyone has them.....
Places in the soul where you are rough, jagged, pointy, uneven and piercing.
We also have smooth, soft, even and gentle places.
Ever hear that saying " IF I AM MYSELF, WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE ME!!"
Did you know that it is the spaces where you breath and allow yourself to shine through that makes you attractive to other people? And while there may be people who don't care for you or your personality type ...it tells you something about them...it speaks of their ability to handle differences, be real with you and be a supporter of your best self.
Most people can smell "fake" a mile away...you may only fudge a little but it is all the same.
Be willing to step out and see if people can handle you. And you will find those who can! They are the ones you want around anyway...right!!??? :0)
Give yourself a break...
Be who you are !! ...in all your rough ( angry, bossy, pushy, touchy, intolerant, negative )  and smooth ( calm, humble, obliging, agreeable, tolerant, positive ) places.
PS: if you didn't notice -- on both sides of Rough vs. Smooth --you need both sides!!
Anything taken to extreme can be harmful!!
F and L'er