August 2, 2010

Carry with You These Gifts of the Heart...

Trust... that whatever happens,
there is someone who will understand.
Honesty... the feeling that you
never need to hold back.
Peace... in being accepted for
who you really are.
Beauty... in outlook
more than appearance.
Freedom... to be yourself,
to change, and to grow.
Joy... in every day, in every memory,
and in your hopes for the future.
Love... to last a lifetime,
and perhaps beyond.
D. L. Riepl
What a thought for me today...  These 7 things are gifts.   Very simple and what a blessing to have in life.  Take time to think today about these gifts and share them with the world.   = )
Tina Smith

Monday Motto - Have Faith

Monday Motto: Have Faith

But whenever you set out to do something extraordinary, there comes a point where, you have to choose between trying to control everything – or letting go and getting carried away by something bigger and more powerful than yourself. - Mark McGuinness

Do you need to have it all figured out?

Do you need to know what to say to speak?

Do you need to know what the outcome will be before you move?

What if we just JUMPED........??

What if we just understood that it is par for the course to trip once in awhile? and Ran anyway...??

Can you be willing to make a mistake?

God is not in the business of LETTING US DO IT OUR WAY........

He is however in the business of us DOING IT.......when HE says to.....whether we understand it or not.........even if we fall flat on our face.........did we listen???

It is not easy for us to let go of our need for controls, to know, to have it all figured out, and yet God knows that to listen to Him will bring us many things...maybe joy ....maybe persecution......maybe ridicule.......maybe success ...maybe...maybe...maybe.....

We are not guaranteed that what we think is a "good outcome" will happen.We are however promised this......we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.-Rom 8:28

Are we listening?? Are we Moving...working....acting...trying....doing....GOING FOR IT....

To do anything....taking the risk means it could take us through things that we may not like, want to deal with, or care to feel...(or we may have a factor of FEAR holding us back)....and to do them requires us to have FAITH.

Faith is not Belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.
- Edith Hamilton

Now go JUMP !!

Have a great Monday!
F & L'er
Starla Smith