May 16, 2011

Monday Motto: TRUST

Sometimes trust is hard for people.
I know it was hard for me. I grew up believing it is best to candy coat your thoughts and emotions  for people because it was received better that way.
This made it very difficult for me when I met Christ who asked of me to "cast all my care upon Him." How could I do that when I had been living a life that was a bit of a fairy tale.  I lived in denial more than reality. I had become so fearful to be honest because I had been hurt when I was.  So learning to trust that I could be honest with this God who loves me has been an interesting journey. I discovered more about who I am and who He is as I slowly began to speak truthfully to myself and to Him about my situations, hurts and needs. The healing is amazing. Its like coming alive --when you didn't know you were dead.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
My understanding was : If I am truthful, people will hurt me.
His understanding for me was: If you are truthful ...LIFE BECOME LIGHTER BECAUSE I CARRY THE LOAD.
Have a blessed Monday
F and L'er