September 23, 2010

Its all in the Perspective

It is a way of regarding situations or facts. It is also the appearance from a certain angle or view. I would say it is safe to say that perspective is HOW we see through our LENSES in life. (Our Viewpoint)
In relationships the perspective can be particularly muddy. Each of us has our own set of  " Glasses" that have been colored by our experiences, learning, and family life. This difference in --seeing-- makes it difficult to relate at times especially if we insist on our own viewpoint as being RIGHT!
I was reading (in one of the many books that I am in right now) and it brought up this scenario of 5 people on the top of a mountain top. Each holding a camera and taking pictures. Can any one of them say for a certainty that they are capturing the view truthfully. Imagine what would happen...
One longing to be free from the pain of her past has always thought of flying away and so she captures the sky in great detail, the sun on the horizon, the clouds, and eagle flying by. To her it is breath taking and amazing....and yet it is only her perspective of TRUTH.
To another it has been a climb to rise to the top of the business world and the climb up the mountain felt like a representation of his life and so he captures the mountains and how they jut into the sky in towering magnificence....and yet it is only his perspective of TRUTH.
To another life is a battle where the person running this race of life is battered and bruised and so they capture the mountain goats as they beat their horns together for dominance...and yet it is only their perspective of TRUTH.
and so on...
See we all use our experiences to bring FOCUS to what we see. We become alert to certain things that relate to our situations and that are reminders of our experiences. So certain tones of voice alert our ears to be afraid when no one is intending harm. So they way some one reacts to us may queue us in that we are about to be rejected and before we know it we are the rejecter.
The KEY is to remember that not everyone THINKS like me ...and ask questions instead of assuming!!
I very well could be possible that we would remove a TON of misunderstandings, mishaps, and hurt if we did.
Have a wonderful night
F and L'er