September 28, 2010

Stuff and Smile

Proverbs 27:7 When you've stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you're starved, you could eat a horse.
 The word STUFF means to stop or cram, choke back. In an emotional sense this is when we don't tell how we feel. We don't rebuke when we should. We don't communicate our hearts and minds. We are STUFFED. It says here when you stuff yourself you also refuse dessert. We often think of dessert as a sweet at the end of our meal but the original meaning comes from the root words Dis-serve and means TO CLEAR THE TABLE.  If you are STUFFING your emotions then you also are refusing dessert (clearing the table) you are not allowing yourself to CLEAR THE TABLE otherwise known as clearing the air .. to communicate and understand. When we don't clear the table bitterness and grudges can form because we are just stuff it and smiling or moving on. We are NOT DEALING WITH IT!!! We are thwarting ourselves.
We also STUFF the good and that leads into the next part of this verse.
 It says when you're starved, you could eat a horse. What happens when you are starved. I know when I am starved I will eat junk and I will want whatever is quick and easy. Immediate results. We have a responsibility to uplift and encourage people whom the Lord has put in our path. If we aren't doing our part then those around us are starving including ourselves. We will take flattery, ego-pumps, and other emotional junk food. We will eat a horse....even if it is the fabled Trojan horse. The Trojan horse was suppose to be a gift but within it were spies and infiltrators. That is what we will eat if we are starving.
 So don't stuff and smile ....clear the table (have a clear conscience and emotional cup) & feed your neighbor (uplift and encourage) so that we all are not STUFFED and STARVING -Fake and settling for a Trojan horse!!
 F and L'er

The Revealing of the Concealing

Twinkle, twinkle little lie,
How much longer should I deny
what I am feeling inside?
Lie, lie how I push you deep inside.
Taking pride in that chide.
Oh, how I hide.
Hide, hide what I feel inside.
When will I decide to be who I am inside?
Deep, deep inside a song wants to rise.
Song, song inside no longer can you hide.
Light, light give me sight cause along with you

       I will fight this fight.

September 27, 2010

Letting The Truth Unfold

The truth always unfolds into a deeper understanding.
Just to make sure that we know that we know what we know.  Everything we trust and think we believe while being tested will prove what is so.  When we are solid and surefear and doubt have no place in us.
Sometimes we thinwe got it all together and figured out.  Then unexpected surprises come.
Where is our trust level when that happens? 
Be honest and devoted to the truth. That will tell you how prepared you are to accept it or deny it.   
Today I will walk through this journey called life with strong ankle bones, armed with the truth to prove itself no matter what trial I may walk through.
One step at a time and one day at a time.  We are all human and fall short.  But that does not mean that we are not conquers of the Truth that will set us free indeed.  Amen!  We are ok and on our way! 
God Bless and have a Blessed week my friends!

Keep Watch

I heard a Quote a while ago and It has stuck with me : We teach what we need most!

POWERFUL I think... How often do we rant and rail about things. Preach and teach things. Nag and Complain about things....and these things we do, need, or can't see that we are. Check SELF is Important because what we teach, preach, or speak we are accountable for and are responsible for....

The reason we are preaching or teaching something often has its roots in AWARENESS. We can see it!!! It is in our view. It is bugging our senses. It is on the radar. IT may be a mirror, a clue, a clip of what we do. We must keep watch.

I came to the realization that when I rant and rail, nag or complain, or give advise or suggestion I am preaching and/or teaching ...WHY??

Because I am an example and so are you. To my children and anyone who watches what I do ...friend or foe.

If you find yourself trying to PROVE something to someone....KEEP WATCH on what you are very well may be that if you take a look at yourself you will find that what you are teaching is what you need most!

F and L'er


September 23, 2010

Its all in the Perspective

It is a way of regarding situations or facts. It is also the appearance from a certain angle or view. I would say it is safe to say that perspective is HOW we see through our LENSES in life. (Our Viewpoint)
In relationships the perspective can be particularly muddy. Each of us has our own set of  " Glasses" that have been colored by our experiences, learning, and family life. This difference in --seeing-- makes it difficult to relate at times especially if we insist on our own viewpoint as being RIGHT!
I was reading (in one of the many books that I am in right now) and it brought up this scenario of 5 people on the top of a mountain top. Each holding a camera and taking pictures. Can any one of them say for a certainty that they are capturing the view truthfully. Imagine what would happen...
One longing to be free from the pain of her past has always thought of flying away and so she captures the sky in great detail, the sun on the horizon, the clouds, and eagle flying by. To her it is breath taking and amazing....and yet it is only her perspective of TRUTH.
To another it has been a climb to rise to the top of the business world and the climb up the mountain felt like a representation of his life and so he captures the mountains and how they jut into the sky in towering magnificence....and yet it is only his perspective of TRUTH.
To another life is a battle where the person running this race of life is battered and bruised and so they capture the mountain goats as they beat their horns together for dominance...and yet it is only their perspective of TRUTH.
and so on...
See we all use our experiences to bring FOCUS to what we see. We become alert to certain things that relate to our situations and that are reminders of our experiences. So certain tones of voice alert our ears to be afraid when no one is intending harm. So they way some one reacts to us may queue us in that we are about to be rejected and before we know it we are the rejecter.
The KEY is to remember that not everyone THINKS like me ...and ask questions instead of assuming!!
I very well could be possible that we would remove a TON of misunderstandings, mishaps, and hurt if we did.
Have a wonderful night
F and L'er

September 22, 2010


You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.
--Amy Carmichael

September 20, 2010

Monday Motto: BE PART


I have been seeing the word ART a lot!

The latest is in a song called The ART of Virtue by Adrienne Young.

We are the creation of God...we are all His ART work.

Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Sometimes I think we all look at things in our own narrow view point that we can not see how to get from here to there. What if when we wanted to break a habit or create within ourselves a new way to do things we thought of it as ART, a masterpiece in the working. Instead of seeing ourselves as flawed or cracked. Instead of being to hard on ourselves, what if we learned to let the brush of our creative mind paint on the canvas of our lives....and if we have an imperfection just work with it!!

PERFECTION what a causes a sense of urgency to get it all right NOW!!

We see perfection as defined : freedom from fault or defect

Eze 28:15
You were perfect in thy ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in thee.

We were ...we are created PERFECT...He made us just the way He wanted us to be...and what was that iniquity that was found...ADAM and Eve didn't listen to what the Lord had to say. They did what they wanted to do!!
1Ki 8:61 Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.
When we do what the Lord says to do our Hearts are PERFECT!! But Before Christ we couldn't do it on our own so God sent HIM...
Hbr 7:19
For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope [did]; by the which we draw nigh unto God.
I think the issue we have is the question of "what is perfect?" It is subjected to the opinions and views of people in the world instead of what God calls perfect. Sometimes we put peoples reactions as the standard of if something was right. I can tell you that- that doesn't work at all. Peoples reactions and way of thinking are often formed out of their EGO. So don't base what is perfect by that standard. The ego will tell you this is flawed and that is wrong like looking in a cracked mirror. But when Jesus is your reflection in the mirror it just SHINES the Light!!
So go do
The Art of Kindness...
The Art of Love...
The Art of Peace...
The Art of Joy...Just fall all over the place trying!! :0)
Be PART of Christ Body...being one with HIM gives us the strength to Be P(erfect) ART.
All of us together are a mosaic art piece!! Each piece holding a different angle of God's Image.
F and L'er

Behind the Scenes

Just wanted to share a song I love for the Motto Monday this week.  May it bless you.
Felt lead to put this one up because for the past week I have seen individuals attacking others on facebook in a religious way.  So sad when you see others choose to serve the Lord with Lip service... instead of having a relationship with Him and influencing others.  It is a beautiful thing when a person allows others to see the difference God makes in our lives = ) 
God I pray you help us through any challenges that rise up against us this week.  In Jesus Name I Pray.  Amen and Amen!

September 18, 2010

Your Best Moments Are Your Best Teachers

#994   Your Best Moments Are Your Best Teachers

Your best moments are your best teachers. We each have moments that are special in our lives, moments when we go beyond what we are usually able to do. Moments when we are especially spiritual and elevated, self-confident and courageous, happy and joyful, kind and compassionate, calm and serene, persuasive and influential, insightful and intuitive, forgiving and understanding, and creative and innovative.

During our best moments, we go beyond our own selves in almost unbelievable ways.

Each best moment in our life sheds light on what we can possibly do and who we can possibly be. Our best moments raise our self-image to a degree that our ordinary moments can't and don't.
(From Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's book: "Building Your Self- image and the Self-image of Others" (Artscroll) Chapter 13)
Very encouraging!  Had to pass it on.  Good day!

September 16, 2010


It is hard when you try to communicate with someone and they refuse to hear you.
Telling how you feel is hard enough but then to withstand the initial rejection and not fall into the PITY POT can get hard sometimes.
When you see a loved one behaving badly and it is a perpetual thing....ignoring it is not the answer. !!!
But to speak up risks splintering the relationship that so-called  "playing friendly" has created...but the barbs in your soul are just as painful when you are silent.
The fear that things with never be right...the doubts that scream in your mind -THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE !!!
The guilt when you finally speak because you had been stuffing it so long --you feel like you are to blame, your mind and emotions playing games saying "you could have said something sooner.".."you brought this on yourself."..LIES ...all LIES!!
It comes down to TRUTH!
Are you willing to be honest?
Are you willing to wait out the rough patch while the other person tries with all they have to prove you wrong out of the SCREAMS of their EGO?
Are you willing to pray and read the Word and Stand on it, resting in it?
Are you willing to choose NOT to be easily provoked?
Are you willing?
We say: I will not be walked on any longer!!!
 But if we speak up and confront in Love and Truth may feel like they are still walking on us ( no immediate evidence does that) but really they are just hitting a standing wall. BE patient!! BE resilient!!
When God begins to walk you through a trial...HE CAN BE TRUSTED...!!!! He will make a way...Do not faint or become weary in well doing.
Do not give into the flesh that wants to scream its rights in the face of the perpetrator.
Be at rest....Be calm....Know that God has a plan....He will perform all that He has promised to those who are His!
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

September 15, 2010

Act The Way You Wish To Be

Very good read...Happy Wednesday!
#992   Act The Way You Wish To Be
There is a basic principle found in the writings of the Rambam (Hilchos Daos) and other classic Torah sources: "Act the way you wish to be and you will become that way." We are influenced by our actions. Take, for example, someone who wants to become a kinder person. By doing many acts of kindness over time, the person actually becomes an authentically kinder person. Each day write down at least ten positive actions that you did. Write down kind words and acts, blessings that you said mindfully, and positive things that you did even though they were hard to do. Write down when you felt grateful, and when you refrained from saying something that would cause another person distress. Write down an encouraging telephone call that you made. What will happen when you are resolved to write down ten positive actions each day? You will go out of your way to do them. This will have a cumulative effect on your self-image.
(From Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's book: "Building Your Self- image and the Self-image of Others" (Artscroll) Chapter 11)


Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.
-Albert Schweitzer
First time I have seen this quote.  I love it, so true it is!  = )
Have a great day! 

September 13, 2010


God's sunshine could flood your soul if you wash its windows.

MONDAY MOTTO: Join Motto!!

Why Monday Motto is Important!

Monday Motto is about putting into words what the Lord is speaking to you or what lesson you are gleaning from your experiences through the week.

We encourage you to share your MOTTO with us. If you are a BLOGGER. Copy and Paste our button and do MONDAY MOTTO on your blog. Put our BUTTON at the top of your post. Add your name and blog link in the Mr. Linky above...and don’t forget to leave a comment. :0)

If you are not a blogger or you would just like to share your motto join us on FRIENDSHIPS OF LOVE FACEBOOK PAGE and add your motto there. Motto Title in the post then add the goodies for it in the comment space below it.

The Point of Monday Motto is to cause each of us to become MORE AWARE of what is happening in us, through us, and to us during the week.

The Lord gave us the understanding that a three fold cord can not be easily broken!!

KNOW SHARE SERVE is the THREE FOLD CORD. It can be used in many different type of situations.

In relationships ...get to KNOW others, SHARE of yourself, become partners to SERVE each other.

Also in every relationship you have there is 3 CORDS...1st cord is YOU...2nd cord is A FRIEND ...3rd cord is CHRIST --with that in mind we should be mindful of how we treat each other, that we be respectful, that we be honest.

In learning and sharing your knowledge...become more aware (KNOW) and put your experience into words (SHARE) then you can be a resource for others (SERVE.)

In your Spiritual walk...get to KNOW God through the Word...SHARE honestly in prayer....Put what you learn in to action and SERVE.

NONE OF US corner the market on knowledge ...that is why we are to be of a Teachable Spirit. We all learn in layer....line upon line.

Thanks for Joining us!!
F and L'er

CLICK HERE for todays Motto called HURT :

or just scroll down :0)


Good Morning! = )

This article below from Mountain Wings, I have to share.  How often do we get hurt and feel that pain for hours, days or even weeks?  And say nothing?  I know I am guilty of it.  This devotional gave me even more insight on not to waste the time we have & there is a purpose for everything.
Starla and I were having coffee last Saturday .  Pumpkin Spice yummy! Here again my she was encouraging me to speak up for myself instead of isolating what I thinkfeel . It is challenging to not get affected by individuals in life that don't weigh their words before they allow them to come out of their mouths.  Words are so powerful and create life or death when they are spoken. After they are spoken we have no control left on them.   We sometimes don't realize the impact words have on other people.  Even if it is small words.  The smallest smirk, comment, someone's body language & tone. Do make an impact on our/their emotions, thoughts, actions, words & yes even our character.  I have realized even more so yesterday that I allow people to cross the line and leave me feeling jaded emotionally sometimes even for a couple of days.  I have caught myself just settling.  Staying there and doing the same thing over and over all the while getting the same results.  Like Starla said to me yesterday.  Stuck! That one word really got me thinking... Staying stuck while others run a muck, like a sitting duck.  Not good...  We are all prone to self deception. That is why it is key to have one, two or three trust worthy people in our lives to help us preserve who we are.  All the while relying on Christ to keep us all balanced. Without the Word & a real relationship with God it is nearly if not totally impossible to do.   I am so very thankful to have a best friend that is in the Word and lives by the Word.  God is a miraculous God that wants the best for us forever and always.  I'm so thankful for His love for me and for lining up everything so perfectly in my life.

Stumbled across this interesting tidbit. That I thought I would end with.

Embellishment is part of human nature, experts say, and almost everyone is guilty of it at one time or another. Left unchecked, however, exaggerations that seemed innocuous at first could result in serious consequences. "[Getting caught] can be devastating; I think it can ruin a person," says Alan Strudler, a professor of legal studies and business ethics at Wharton. That's unfortunate, he adds, "because embellishment is just a human frailty. But once you're caught in a deception, even if it's a common deception, people won't trust you. And once the bond of trust is lost, it's terribly hard to recover."

The subtle distinction can make us or break us. The simplest thing like telling someone that you appreciate them is one of the nicest things one can do. It goes a long way and helps a person through their day = ) Reaping and sowing is all part of life. Go bless somebody and be blessed back!

Have a great day & below is an interesting story that really got me thinking about pain & thought you may be interested in it to! I encourage you to read it, it is to good to pass up.

God Bless

TiNa = )
MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#2066 Wings Over The Mountains of Life
Dear MountainWings,
This story changed my life and I thought maybe it could change others too, so I'm sharing it with you.
This story was told to me by my sister, whom it happened to.
She was really upset because she hadn't seen or spoken to her best friend Jim in a couple of weeks. Finally he shows up at her door and commands her to get dressed and go riding with him. So she finally does.
As they were riding, they passed a garden full of flowers.
Jim says "Do you see those flowers?"
"Yes," she says.
"Do you think that when someone steps on those flowers that they lie there and feel sorry for themselves?" Jim asks.
"No, they immediately start to mend their wounds so they can heal, and grow strong and healthy!"
They ride a little further and Jim points up in a tree, "You see those squirrels up there?
Do you think that when people shoot at them they go hide forever?"
"No," she says.
About that time the ocean comes into sight.
Jim says "You see that ocean out there?
Do you think that when there's a hurricane out there that the ocean doesn't go back out because it's afraid to face the storm?"
"No," she says.
"Then, why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?"
That story really hit me like a ton of bricks!
The worst part was the fact that Jim died a short time later.
And that's when she realized how much precious time she wasted.
Why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?
~A MountainWings Original~

September 9, 2010

Interesting Words...

I like the words written on the wall where Jews had hidden from Hitler's atrocities and death camps:

     "I believe in the sun
     even when it is not shining.
     I believe in love even when
     I do not feel it.
     I believe in God even when He is silent."
"Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser."

September 7, 2010


You may have heard …
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift, that's why they call it the "present".
Happy Tuesday!

September 5, 2010


God works through you in every small act of kindness, and each encouraging word that brightens someone's day. Your encouragement reveals God's love to others. Encourage someone today!

September 3, 2010

13 Virtues

From Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography…
My intention being to acquire the habitude of all these virtues, I judged it would be well not to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once, but to fix it on one of them at a time; and, when I should be master of that, then to proceed to another, and so on, till I should have gone through the thirteen; and, as the previous acquisition of some might facilitate the acquisition of certain others, I arranged them with that view, as they stand [below].
    Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
    Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid
    trifling conversation.
  3. ORDER
    Let all your things have their places; let each part of
    your business have its time.
    Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without
    fail what you resolve.
    Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself;
    i.e., waste nothing.
    Lose no time; be always employed in something
    useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
    Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly; and,
    if you speak, speak accordingly.
    Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits
    that are your duty.
    Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much
    as you think they deserve.
    Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
    Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common
    or unavoidable.
    Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to
    dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s
    peace or reputation.
    Imitate Jesus and Socrates
Have a Great Labor Day Weekend & God Bless! = )
Starla & TiNa

September 2, 2010


A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Winston Churchill

September 1, 2010


Oblivious ( root word meaning)
late 14c., "state or fact of forgetting," from L. oblivionem (nom. oblivio) "forgetfulness," from oblivisci (pp. oblitus) "forget," originally "even out, smooth over," from ob "over" + root of levis "smooth."

OBLIV --to forget
OUS -- Full of

To be full of FORGETTING.....not staying aware or awake to the current issue or moment.
If we are oblivious it is because we are buying into the LIE that we don't know what is happening or going on....WE DO if we pay attention!!

Blind Bartimeus called to Jesus..Son of David have mercy on me!! Jesus said "What would you have me to do for you?" He was obviously blind, why do you think Jesus asked that question??
I wonder if Jesus just wanted to hear Bartimeus say what his obvious issue was...if he KNEW he couldn't see. Or if he would say IT'S ALL GOOD...BLESS ME!!..without having to deal with the issue at hand.

I found it interesing that OB - LI - VIOUS is only two letters off from OB-VIOUS.
If its not OBVIOUS maybe your have a LIE in the middle of what your dealing with....that is blinding you.

Just thinking :0)

 F and L'er