Friendships of Love thinks and feels that knowing your personality type is very important. We have been taking tests for years. Finding out more and discovering things about ourselves. Knowing your personality type helps you to understand why you do what you do. It helps you see things about yourself that you may not have known. Lets you see your weaknesses objectively and grasp your strengths for growth. We all have a little of both. If we do not understand why we are they way we are we may think there is something wrong with us and begin to develop a warped sense of self.
1. How are you ENERGIZED.
Option -A Option -B
Tolerate noise and crowds. Avoid crowds and seek quiet.
Talk more than listen. Listen more than talk.
Communicate with enthusiasm. Keep enthusiasm to self.
Be distracted easily. Concentrate well.
Meet people readily and participate
in many activities. Proceed cautiously in meeting people
& participate in selected activities.
Blurt things out w/o thinking. Think carefully before speaking.
Hates to do nothing. On the go. Time alone to recharges batteries.
Likes working or talking in
groups Would prefer to socialize in small
groups or just do job "by myself."
Likes to be center of attention. Content being on the sidelines.
Which list are you more COMFORTABLE doing?"
You may think I do both…but what
Do you do more or first….
2.These preferences have to do with how you GATHER information.
What do you pay attention to.
Option A Option B
Learn new things by imitation
and observation. Learns new things through general
Value solid, recognizable methods
achieved in step-by-step manner. Value different or unusual methods
achieved via inspiration.
Focus on actual experience Focus on possibilities.
Tend to be specific and literal;
give detailed descriptions. Tend to be general and figurative;
use metaphors and analogies.
Behave practically. Behave imaginatively.
Rely on past experiences. Rely on hunches.
Likes predictable relationships. Values change in relationships.
Appreciates standard ways to solve
problems. Use new and different ways to solve
problems and teach solutions.
Methodical. Leap around in a roundabout way.
Value realism and common sense. Value imagination and innovation.
Try to think about which one you feel most
comfortable with.
3. This category deals with how we make decisions and reach conclusions.
Option A Option B
Have truth as an objective. Have harmony as a goal.
Decide more with my head. Decide more with my heart.
Question others' findings,
'cause they might be wrong. Agree more with others' findings,
'cause people are worth listening to.
Notice ineffective reasoning. Notice when people need support.
Choose truthfulness over
tactfulness. Choose tactfulness over truthfulness.
Deal with people firmly, as needed Deal with people compassionately.
Expect world to run on logical
principles. Expect the world to recognize
individual differences.
Notice pros & cons of each option. Note how an option has value and
it affects people.
See others' flaws... critical. Like to please others; show appreciation.
Feelings valid if they're logical. ANY feeling is valid.
Tolerate occasional queries as
to my emotional state in relationships Appreciate frequent queries as
to my emotional state
Which one are you more comfortable with
4. This one has to do with the LIFESTYLE you adopt.
Option A Option B
Prefer my life to be decisive,
imposing my will on it Seek to adapt my life and experience
to what comes along.
Prefer knowing what they're
getting themselves into Like adapting to new situations.
Feel better after making decisions Prefer to keep things open.
Enjoy finishing things. Enjoy starting things.
Work for a settled life, with my
plans in order. Keep my life as flexible as
possible so that nothing's missed.
Dislike surprises & want
advance warnings. Enjoy surprises and like adapting
to last-minute changes.
See time as a finite resource,
and take deadlines seriously. See time as a renewable resource,
and see deadlines as elastic.
Like checking off "to do" list. Ignore "to do" list, even if made one.
Feel better with things planned. Would rather do whatever comes along.
Settled. Organized. Tentative. Flexible. Spontaneous.
Which set feel right to you?
Ok so you should be finished now and have an answer that looks something like this
ABBA - BABA- ABAB --or any other variation
Scroll down for the answer key ………..
The Key:
Question 1. Option A - E xtraversion --- Option B - I ntroversion
Question 2. Option A - S ensing --- Option B - i N tuition
Question 3. Option A - T hinking --- Option B - F eeling
Question 4. Option A - J udging --- Option B - P ercieving
So your final answer will look like : ESTJ or INFJ or ENFP or ISTP or any other variation
Go to this site and discover interesting things about you ---
Come back and tell us what you think???
Tina & Starla Smith ( Sisters-in-Law and BFF's)