Been noticing as I am surfing the blog world that many people are searching for meaningful friendships. People, women, even pastors wives struggling to just have a friend to talk to ??? That should not be so!! But it is...
I was reading the comments over at Striving for 31 . The post is a question asked by the author for another person which happens to be a pastors wife.
Excerpt: What I am struggling with right now is a lack of close friendships.......I have "friends" in our church, but you and I both know that can be tricky water to navigate. I am part of a home school group here, so I do have that outlet, but as far as a deep, close friendship with another woman here, I just don't have it..... as a ministry family, you are sorta in no man's land.....Anyway, the basic question is how as a ministry wife do you find your "place?" How do you forge those close friendships outside of your church without missing potential close friendships inside the church. Are close friendships in the church even a good idea?
Just reading this breaks my heart.
I have Felt that way...that I didn't have a Real Friend that I couldn't Be Who I Was...
When I look at this situation I cant help but think PEOPLE have toooooooooooooooo HIGH expectations on their Pastor and his Wife if they feel like they can't be CLOSE FRIENDS with the people in their congregations. ISN'T that the point!!?? To know and be known by each love one another.... Help and Grow and Learn from one another. Do we put them UP UP UP on a pedestal soooooo HIGH that we don't allow them to be who they are. Weaknesses and All.....Warts and ALL....They are Christ's too. Reaching toward the Goal like the rest of us.
I call to us all............BE REAL no matter where you are!! No matter who you are talking too!!! Just be real. Yes, it is scary...BUT SO IS LIVING A LIE!!
Real Friendship are grown in TRUTH and VULNERABILITY!!
F and L'er