To broken hearts that come my way
To those who have been hurt before
That, I not hurt them any more
To those whose hearts have hardened up
To those who won't hold out their cup
That, Lord, You long to overflow
With love and mercy. Lord, let me know
That I might have the words to say
That I might plant a seed today
That glory would be given to You
Through all I say and all I do
Lord, give me the right words to say
More hearts are breaking every day
They're out there crying in the night
I long to help them see the light
But, fragile are those souls and weak
So this is why Your words I seek
And pray Thee give me words to say
That I, not one soul, turn away.
~by Susan Tier~
God help us to be all You want & need us to be for the sake of Your Name I pray, AMEN! = )