Oblivious ( root word meaning)
late 14c., "state or fact of forgetting," from L. oblivionem (nom. oblivio) "forgetfulness," from oblivisci (pp. oblitus) "forget," originally "even out, smooth over," from ob "over" + root of levis "smooth."
OBLIV --to forget
OUS -- Full of
To be full of FORGETTING.....not staying aware or awake to the current issue or moment.
If we are oblivious it is because we are buying into the LIE that we don't know what is happening or going on....WE DO if we pay attention!!
Blind Bartimeus called to Jesus..Son of David have mercy on me!! Jesus said "What would you have me to do for you?" He was obviously blind, why do you think Jesus asked that question??
I wonder if Jesus just wanted to hear Bartimeus say what his obvious issue was...if he KNEW he couldn't see. Or if he would say IT'S ALL GOOD...BLESS ME!!..without having to deal with the issue at hand.
I found it interesing that OB - LI - VIOUS is only two letters off from OB-VIOUS.
If its not OBVIOUS maybe your have a LIE in the middle of what your dealing with....that is blinding you.
Just thinking :0)
F and L'er