October 29, 2010

A foolish thing

Proverbs 29:9 A sage trying to work things out with a fool
   gets only scorn and sarcasm for his trouble.
A sage is someone who is considered to possess wisdom, judgment, and experience.
A person who is wise wants the person who is foolish to learn. The Bible tells us that they will only get scorn and sarcasm for even trying.
SCORN and SARCASM!!  ( doesn't seem fair does it ) That is why BELIEVING the Bible is so important!!
For wanting to help someone, you will get rejection & ignored with contempt and a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark.
 In our human understanding we think it would be kind and even the right thing to do to tell someone who is behaving foolishly that they are not making a wise choice. BUT remember a FOOL is someone who is proven to act or play (with) irresponsibly and is a squanderer of his blessings. This is a person who is careless with what they do have. ( Luke 16:10 If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.) This is a person who is careless with their trust, love, faith. They tend to make the same mistakes over and over again ...in the same areas over and over again. (haven't we all been there at one time or another)
Have you ever been a fool?? - one who does not learn from their mistakes. I have!! I believe that God has us going around that mountain AGAIN to show us our foolish ways. Choose to learn the lesson.
Have you ever been a fool who blames others for their bad decisions. I have!! I have chosen a decision based on what someone else said instead of searching my heart and spirit  or seeking the Lord for the way to go...and have used the excuse " well so and so said!!"  It's a lame excuse and the blame game only proved I needed to grow up and be responsible.
A fool thinks that getting rebuked for bad behavior is judgmental. Ever been there! I have!! Thinking some sincere person who loves me just want to condemn me and is judgmental ...when the truth is I am SELFISH and want my way.  Check your heart!!
A fool thinks its not them, it is everyone else that is the problem....they forget the common denominator. THEM! I have been here too... it's the PITY POT!! Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms.. whaaaaa!!! GET UP off that pity pot and look at you!! Check yourself...
SO...do yourself a favor and listen to the WORD of God:
Proverbs 14:7
Go from the presence of a foolish man, When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.
( it doesn't say be unkind or mean to them, it says GO FROM THEIR PRESENCE!)
I think we could use this verse for ourselves...ever have two voices going off in your head at the same time...The Voice of The Spirit and the voice of Self. LISTEN and when you DO NOT perceive knowledge in that voice of SELF ...RUN to the Lord!!!!!!!!!


 If you get this type of reaction (not willing to learn) from another when you are sincerely trying to help them ....move on...someone has their ear and God knows who to send to get the message through. :0) ...don't waste you time driving yourself NUTS! Discern the difference and walk in peace.
PS...IMPORTANT ...don't forget to check your heart too when wanting to correct someone...be determined that you will be one who is of a teachable spirit!!
F and L'er