January 1, 2011

Appropriate Trust

I was clicking on my phone in the app STUMBLE UPON ...if you have never tried it check it out. You can find some really cool stuff.
I came upon a page that had the definition for APPROPRIATE TRUST.....
What do we normally think of trust being from say in the context of relationships :
*the ability to not fear harm in a relationship
*something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping
these definitions just be the way they are worded provide the thinking that the person trusting someone else expects the other to do them no harm and to keep safe their heart and mind ( what they know of you)
So here is the definition that I found :
TRUST: to trust that your partner or friend will behave according to their fundamental nature.
Fundamental: principals or basics that are foundational
Nature: the instincts or inherent tendencies directing conduct, characteristic disposition; temperament
This kind of trust then becomes a stretch to our inner being. We tend to believe that people should think and do things like we would. So matter of trust and truth become interesting interactions between people. So to trust that someone will behave according to who they are....frees them from having to behave according to what we think....and vise versa.
Suddenly the dynamic matters of expectation within trust issues must fall.....
and that brings in the option of CHOICE....
We can choose those who think and act and are as close as like us....
or we can choose to bear with, endure, learn patience with those who aren't  like us....
BUT EITHER WAY WE CHOOSE ---we will have to use this trust in all our relationships. 
APPROPRIATE TRUST...to trust that your partner or friend will behave according to their fundamental nature.
Interesting info and thoughts
F & L'er