Mercy is kindness, love & forgiveness
Wholeness is expressed in Micah 6:8
Micah 6:8: "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
There is our fine line of decision-making. We are to love & forgive, that is who Jesus is, and we are to represent Him. We have to love the fact that Christ’s love and forgiveness for us on the cross is our motive in our decision-making and we are do justice. What does it mean to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly?
They are both reverent toward God and respectful of others. This means they are willing to listen, are open to criticism and desire more to help people succeed than to punish them when they fail.Do justice to somebody or something… to deal with somebody or something fairly to communicate the true qualities, especially the facts, of somebody or something.
The word love is a two edged sword. There is love, there is tough love, and when a person yields to love either way the result is the same.
We must move from the attitude of "have to" and embrace "want to" if we are going to fulfill change in our lives.
Ignorance is NOT bliss!
What you do not know is robbing your future.
God help us to be all you made us to be in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!