So I am listening to Lysa TerKurst and Ann Voskamp talk about their lives.
And Lysa says I get asked this question allot “How do you do your life? with many children, writing, speaking engagements and everything else too, how do you do it? How do you balance it?”
and the interviewer lady said : Balance isn't real! right?
I listened a little further and I stopped the video and just sat with that thought …..(repeating it to myself - BALANCE ISN’T REAL …
and at first I am thinking WHAT!!?? wait a minute!!
I need balance….if I don’t balance I will be off over here to long and miss this and that and what about….and all this stuff going off in my head.
and then I hear the Lord say “that is what my grace is for.”
My heart kind of sank …and I started to write this, because I feel that I understand myself and what I am learning better when I write it out.
If God’s grace is for our balance then all my striving to balance home, church, friends, family, laundry and dinner is for nothing!!
But If I am relying on my own strength then NO WONDER I am constantly straining myself to do better, organize, get it right, get it on the calendar. Perfect my inconsistencies and fix my “look” of laziness and craziness.
(Now there is nothing wrong with improving…what I am talking about a need for “balance” called PERFECTIONISM that causes you to think down if your stuff isn't done or will cause you to miss a God Appointment because you need to do that stuff. )
I know I am not the only one here!
The Key is Grace -like the gyroscope…I found this little diagram:
What is the ultimate GRACE --Christ who gave His life for us!
Romans 11:36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.
If we keep our eyes on CHRIST in the center of it all….
( in the midst of all our mess, and issues, and timetables, and running errands )
IF we keep our eyes on HIM…WE ARE BALANCED! (can you believe??)
When we Pray to the Father ( Output axis) and love others ( input axis) all while our eyes are fixed on Christ ( Spin Axis)
we walk in HIS WILL!!
How much more balanced could we be than in HIS WILL!!!
If Christ …If Grace is your Axis, MY AXIS - then I can allow myself to be IMPERFECT in His PERFECTNESS…I can allow myself to let go of the need to BALANCE LIFE….and instead LIVE IN GRACE!
I can do His will, as He asks and allow myself grace for the dishes not done because I am walking His way…and not mine.
BTW-- …Lysa said “ I DON’T!!” Balance is a slippery term :0) and Ann said “ Christ is our Axis, he is our balance point! :0)
Amen Girlfriends!
I get it! How do you feel about balance and are you trying to find it?
Friendship of Love,