August 30, 2010

Monday Motto: Detaching with Love

Detaching with Love
Sometimes people we love do things we don't like or approve of. We react. They react. Before long, we're all reacting to each other, and the problem escalates.
When do we detach? When we're hooked into a reaction of anger, fear guilt, or shame. When we get hooked into a power play--an attempt to control or force others to do something they don't want to do. When the way we're reacting isn't helping the other person or solving the problem. When the way were reacting is hurting us.
Often, it's time to detach when detachment appears to be the least likely, or possible, thing to do.
The first step toward detachment is understanding that reacting and controlling don't help. The next step is getting peaceful --getting centered and restoring our balance.
Take a walk. Leave the room. Go to a meeting. Take a long, hot bath. Call a friend. Call on God. Breathe deeply. Find peace. From that place of peace and centering yourself there will emerge an answer, a solution.
Today, I will surrender and trust that the answer is near.
I have been struggling here lately. Watching other people hurt others and not taking responsibility for that pain they inflict on others really bothers me, deeply... 
Life happens and relationships can be very challenging at times.  I hope this helps somebody today.
God Bless Your Monday Abundantly!
TiNa = )



Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

My mom came to visit me over this past week. I really enjoyed my time with her. She kept making comments to me about my complaining while driving. Honestly I didn’t think that I had an issue until she pointed out ever HUFFY PUFFY, GRRRRRRRRR!!, What the? , DID you SEE that? and OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!! that I made while driving. I began to take a look at myself more closely. I had a complaint OFTEN on my lips. I immediately went to work of CONTROLLING MYSELF. Yeah..........:0/ that didn’t work so well. What I got was a deep brooding anger growing because now I was suppressing my anger.

I figured out what was needed.....SURRENDER!!!

When I gave up trying to do it in my own strength and said "LORD, I cant do this myself. You are my Life and I want to give you the reigns to my mouth. I need you Lord to do the work for me within" An amazing thing began to happen. I praised and thanked the drivers around me who were driving by the rules. MY FOCUS changed!!!

Yesterday my Pastor said sometimes we FOCUS on the wrong stuff. By being so UPSET over every driver out there that didn’t do right by MY RULES...I only fertilized that critical monster in me. My natural self wants to point fingers and blame the people on the road for not letting me on the highway, for not giving me enough room to get by or for going to slow. Well what I found out after my FOCUS adjustment was I was too slow, I was not patient, I was going to fast.

The way we handle things changes when we stop acting entitled because we are CHRISTIANS and actually BE CHRISTIAN!!

Surrender ...God knows how to fix it!!

F and L'er