September 16, 2010


It is hard when you try to communicate with someone and they refuse to hear you.
Telling how you feel is hard enough but then to withstand the initial rejection and not fall into the PITY POT can get hard sometimes.
When you see a loved one behaving badly and it is a perpetual thing....ignoring it is not the answer. !!!
But to speak up risks splintering the relationship that so-called  "playing friendly" has created...but the barbs in your soul are just as painful when you are silent.
The fear that things with never be right...the doubts that scream in your mind -THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE !!!
The guilt when you finally speak because you had been stuffing it so long --you feel like you are to blame, your mind and emotions playing games saying "you could have said something sooner.".."you brought this on yourself."..LIES ...all LIES!!
It comes down to TRUTH!
Are you willing to be honest?
Are you willing to wait out the rough patch while the other person tries with all they have to prove you wrong out of the SCREAMS of their EGO?
Are you willing to pray and read the Word and Stand on it, resting in it?
Are you willing to choose NOT to be easily provoked?
Are you willing?
We say: I will not be walked on any longer!!!
 But if we speak up and confront in Love and Truth may feel like they are still walking on us ( no immediate evidence does that) but really they are just hitting a standing wall. BE patient!! BE resilient!!
When God begins to walk you through a trial...HE CAN BE TRUSTED...!!!! He will make a way...Do not faint or become weary in well doing.
Do not give into the flesh that wants to scream its rights in the face of the perpetrator.
Be at rest....Be calm....Know that God has a plan....He will perform all that He has promised to those who are His!
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

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