Good Morning! = )
This article below from Mountain Wings, I have to share. How often do we get hurt and feel that pain for hours, days or even weeks? And say nothing? I know I am guilty of it. This devotional gave me even more insight on not to waste the time we have & there is a purpose for everything.
Starla and I were having coffee last Saturday . Pumpkin Spice yummy! Here again my she was encouraging me to speak up for myself instead of isolating what I think & feel . It is challenging to not get affected by individuals in life that don't weigh their words before they allow them to come out of their mouths. Words are so powerful and create life or death when they are spoken. After they are spoken we have no control left on them. We sometimes don't realize the impact words have on other people. Even if it is small words. The smallest smirk, comment, someone's body language & tone. Do make an impact on our/their emotions, thoughts, actions, words & yes even our character. I have realized even more so yesterday that I allow people to cross the line and leave me feeling jaded emotionally sometimes even for a couple of days. I have caught myself just settling. Staying there and doing the same thing over and over all the while getting the same results. Like Starla said to me yesterday. Stuck! That one word really got me thinking... Staying stuck while others run a muck, like a sitting duck. Not good... We are all prone to self deception. That is why it is key to have one, two or three trust worthy people in our lives to help us preserve who we are. All the while relying on Christ to keep us all balanced. Without the Word & a real relationship with God it is nearly if not totally impossible to do. I am so very thankful to have a best friend that is in the Word and lives by the Word. God is a miraculous God that wants the best for us forever and always. I'm so thankful for His love for me and for lining up everything so perfectly in my life.
Stumbled across this interesting tidbit. That I thought I would end with.
Embellishment is part of human nature, experts say, and almost everyone is guilty of it at one time or another. Left unchecked, however, exaggerations that seemed innocuous at first could result in serious consequences. "[Getting caught] can be devastating; I think it can ruin a person," says Alan Strudler, a professor of legal studies and business ethics at Wharton. That's unfortunate, he adds, "because embellishment is just a human frailty. But once you're caught in a deception, even if it's a common deception, people won't trust you. And once the bond of trust is lost, it's terribly hard to recover."
The subtle distinction can make us or break us. The simplest thing like telling someone that you appreciate them is one of the nicest things one can do. It goes a long way and helps a person through their day = ) Reaping and sowing is all part of life. Go bless somebody and be blessed back!
Have a great day & below is an interesting story that really got me thinking about pain & thought you may be interested in it to! I encourage you to read it, it is to good to pass up.
God Bless
TiNa = )
MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#2066 Wings Over The Mountains of Life
Dear MountainWings,
This story changed my life and I thought maybe it could change others too, so I'm sharing it with you.
This story was told to me by my sister, whom it happened to.
She was really upset because she hadn't seen or spoken to her best friend Jim in a couple of weeks. Finally he shows up at her door and commands her to get dressed and go riding with him. So she finally does.
As they were riding, they passed a garden full of flowers.
Jim says "Do you see those flowers?"
"Yes," she says.
"Do you think that when someone steps on those flowers that they lie there and feel sorry for themselves?" Jim asks.
"No, they immediately start to mend their wounds so they can heal, and grow strong and healthy!"
They ride a little further and Jim points up in a tree, "You see those squirrels up there?
Do you think that when people shoot at them they go hide forever?"
"No," she says.
About that time the ocean comes into sight.
Jim says "You see that ocean out there?
Do you think that when there's a hurricane out there that the ocean doesn't go back out because it's afraid to face the storm?"
"No," she says.
"Then, why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?"
That story really hit me like a ton of bricks!
The worst part was the fact that Jim died a short time later.
And that's when she realized how much precious time she wasted.
Why have you stopped living because you have been hurt?
~A MountainWings Original~
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