What is a riddle? It is something that is puzzling or confusing. Do your emotions ever do that to you? They do me at times. I know and love this one friend of mine so much. I had, had a time with my oldest child and my thoughts were tampered with by my effected emotions that spilled over onto her momentarily and unintentionally even. I know it almost sounds like it is contradicting even though it is not. Amazing how something negative can happen and contaminate other interactions and relationships we have. Does that mean that it was not necessarily dealt with? I do not think so. I believe we can deal with life as it happens and it takes time and God to help fade the hurt inside. That letting go and letting God thing that you seem to hear when you mention you are having a problem with something in your life. Sometimes that is more irritating than the problem I am having is. Oh give it to the Lord. That is the best thing to do but do you ever want someone to really help you and not just give you lip service. I sure do. Sorry if this sound to rough but honestly I think the more real people are the more people can really connect. Very difficult to connect to something you have no connection with. I wonder if that is part of the problem with people giving in or up…?
If we give power to the small things, then we are ignoring the big things. I think they all matter. Big or small. Every word spoken or not spoken matters. Whether we are bold, shy, bright or dark it is a mood. Mood matters. Moods come from the small things in life that add up or do not add up… Moods are like putting on colored glasses, it is the way we see our world. Bright and beautiful or gloomy and dark. Through these tinted spectacles we see are selves.
We have to prepare ourselves to deal with ourselves and others. Praying it through and finding that trusted someone that knows more than you, someone you look up to. It is easy just to talk to anyone who will listen. But the best thing to do is go to someone who is willing to hear you and teach you. Lift you up and help you move forward. If we go to someone like us or knows less than us what does that help? We vent, they vent and then what? Wring out all that emotion and if not dealt with we end up filling up with it again and then it spills out into our lives and all those who come in contact with us.
We can comfort the truth all we want with those things that make us feel better and what good does that do? If we do not change then nothing will change. We have to take the steps needed to get to the truth and deal with what we do have control over. We can control ourselves and others have to do that for themselves. So hard to see people struggle and want to help them and can not. We have to manage our moods, choose to live in God’s Wisdom and submit to the truth. We will get what we seek out to find. This may seem silly but truth is a lot like hide and seek. You have to be quiet, listen, pay attention to what is around you, move slowly and find what you are searching for.
Have a great day!
Tina Smith
Someone once said, "Success is when those who know you the best are those who love you the most."
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