August 11, 2010

Daily Lift

#957   Choose A Wise Self-Image

Self-image is how you view yourself. In reality it is easy to view yourself the way others view you. But ultimately it is you who selects which view you will accept. Some people access the view of negative individuals and make it their own. This is not a wise choice. Select the views of those who realize you are created in the Almighty's image, you are a child of the Creator, and the world was created for you. Why settle for anything less? And make certain that the one individual whose opinion makes the most difference in your life views you in this way. That person is you.
(From Rabbi Pliskin's book, Serenity, p.58)
Have a great day!
Tina Smith
Someone once said, "Success is when those who know you the best are those who love you the most."


  1. I really needed this!
    Is a great reminder for me... or shall I say BRICK IN THE FACE From God LOL

  2. Happy to hear it was helpful. It is for me too and I hear ya with the brick in the face, from God = )


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