October 26, 2010



If someone avoids rejection, they can never achieve anything in life. In fact, it's just the opposite. The more you get rejected, the more you will succeed and achieve! Being bold, asking, doing, seeking, and taking action invites rejection--but also leads to getting what you want.

A very successful man, when asked what one could do to achieve their goals, said, "Double your failure rate'!" In other words, "do more". Take more risks. Work hand-in-hand with rejection. I wish someone told me this when I was 20 years old and afraid of failure. Never be concerned with rejection and "failure".

The only failure in life is not trying enough. To reach your goals, you must go head first into short-term failures and rejection. I read a book about successful business people which stated the average successful business person "failed" in seven businesses before his/her great success. Don't worry what others think and say--just "Do it".

Ray Lammie's "Thought for Today." To subscribe

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  1. I thought about the SAME thing yesterday.
    I dont have a job and busy with my last 2 task of my studies and at least I'm not sitting around. I am looking for work and i am trying with my bead and mosaic online shop. I know i might fail. I know i might not get hundreds of customers on the first go but I'm trying

  2. You are going to school to be a councel people, right?
    You are a go getter! Love it! Keep it up and I checked out your bead shop! Very nice, Siobhan!
    In my thoughts and prayer = )

  3. This: The only failure in life is not trying enough.

    Reminded me of this: The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make a mistake - Elbert Hubbard.

    Just do it is the best approach. It's insane to think that we can avoid rejection. Its even more insane because that often goes hand in hand with people pleasing - and we can never please everyone. This is a good post.


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