June 28, 2010

Monday Motto

Hey here it is Monday Motto time. Tina and I write up a motto from our daily reading, writing, or thinking and post it on our FB group.
 Join us we would love to hear what God is talking to ya about....or just what is on your mind. or comment here too...anywhere is good with us :0) Please share.

So here they are ...our MOTTO's for this Monday

Tina's -- Rise above the mess and be blessed!
I am sitting here thinking about life in general and relationships I have with people & family. Ever feel disappointed because of the integrity that may be missing in some of your relationships? That was an issue I had to deal with recently. Feeling let down and not sure what to do. Even wondering if there is anything I can do about it. Came to one conclusion: I am going to let go and let God. Sometimes there are no immediate answers and time is your best friend. Wait for God to open a door of opportunity to restore the relationships that are broken. The perfect time to speak is the time that a person is willing to hear you. Love does not force its way into peoples lives it is simply a choice & a life style. Give them reasons to believe that we all are in search of love and that you care about them! Pick up the phone, send a card, or take them out to their favorite place to eat.

Spread love around! = )

Starla's --Don't Flatter

Prov 28:23 He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue.

I had an interesting conversation this morning that brought this verse to life for me. I was in the middle of reading my proverbs--and I hadn't had anything stand out to me for Monday Motto yet, but after that conversation I continued reading and came upon this verse.

I have often thought of flattering as just saying nice things that you don't really mean by insincere praise or attention ....but what if flattering is also not speaking the truth in the moment. Like when you know someone is not listening to what you have to say. So instead of saying " I don't think you are listening to what I am saying to you?" you stop talking and let the moment pass. You walk away from the conversation feeling like you weren't heard and you have a little chip on your shoulder about that person.

To flatter is also to represent favorably; gratify by falsification. When we just smile and move on, or go silent and move on when inside we are hurt by being ignored or unheard are we actually flattering by representing the situation as a favorable (*smile) situation, or gratifying by falsification (people - pleasing) - instead of saying the truth of the matter --ARE WE FLATTERING?

I never saw it that way until today.

The world tells us to be polite. It tells us as women that we should be nice and we will earn the favor and recognition we seek from others. BUT the bible tells us that if we want true favor we will speak the truth!!!

With love,

Tina & Starla Smith ( Sisters-in-Law and BFF's)

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