November 12, 2010

Love Covers A Multitude...

Don't disregard the ordinary, make it extraordinary.  We are not just ordinary we are extraordinary!  We got to know who we are in Christ.  Life is an adventure.  WE never know what tomorrow will bring.  Blessings, surprises, or someone could come into your life that needs our help.  We should never be bored.  Life is a gift that must be shared with others.  Opportunities are everywhere even when we are being attacked.  Attitude is everything.
Jesus just went about and met needs whether big or small, he did good things for others.  He stopped healed, shared the truth & encouraged.  May seem small but who knows how big it becomes.  Like the waves in the ocean they come into the shore and who knows where it ends when it goes back out... I believe all things we do, do the same.  It can be life changing! = )  Someone did it for me & others still are.  I would not be where I am with out all the little things others took time to do for me.  And who knows you could even be entertaining or helping an angel.  Either way it is a test and it is up to us if we are going to take time to stop and do what we can do. 
"Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser."
God Bless and have an AWESOME weekend ladies!
TiNa = )


  1. Very interesting Tina. You are a angel here, you are the apple of many onlookers eyes! Every human face is a special door to paradise,which cannot possibly be confused with any other, and through which there will never enter but one soul .....Leon Bloy. Quote from Words of Life.Love all that the two of you women, little in size but mighty in your journey in Christ name are sharing your experiances with this huge audiance! Aunt Darlene Shreeves.

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words Aunt Darlene = ) I love the quote you shared!


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