August 6, 2010

sMiLe & eNjOy ThE jOuRnEy = )

Children laughing.
Uncomfortable shoes.
Freshly cut grass.
Missing car keys.
Chocolate chip cookies,
warm from the oven.
Life is full of ups, downs, and changes...
The more love you give the more you will find.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Hey Tina!
    This seriously made me smile! O i loved it!! I have like the A-Z of friendship that I would seriously love to mail you. Think you could use it! It's very beautiful!!
    You can mail me and let me know if you'd like it (On my blog, in my profile, you'll find my email) :)

  2. I love it when people smile! Thank you again for sharing the A-Z's with me. I loved it!
    Tina Smith


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